I am not enlightened

I am not enlightened or awake. I am aware, humbly aware that I have work to do constantly and consistently in this lifetime.

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Your Should or Mine?

  Often, when people tell you what you should be doing, they have lost focus on what they could or would be doing for themselves. A should is a projection, a safety zone for people who are loosing control of their own situations. It’s easier to assess other’s problems  then to work on…

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Prove Everyone Wrong and Be the Best Person YOU can Be

It’s common for us to live up to other people’s expectations instead of our own. Our own expectation’s, when not jaded, are usually of the highest version of ourselves. When we don’t open our ears to indifference or doubt, we can accomplish anything we set out to do. Protect your…

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Free of Judgement of others

Every morning I wake up, starting my day with prayer and meditation. I ask God to help me to stay free of judgement of others. I ask him, if I slip to redirect me to my own self improvement. I choose to spend my time staying clear of critism of…

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