My Imprint

What is my imprint? When I leave this earth will I be known for my determination? My temper? My lack of patience? My tendency to be a pain in the ass? All my flaws? Or will I be remembered for my growth? My days of service? My motherhood to Christopher?…

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The privilege of Service

Service is a privilege not a right. Our society has become accustom to paying any amount of money to have someone do as they are told. Emphasizing on the money as the controller. The idea of people being bought has been debated for generations, maybe even proven to be so.…

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Divine Appointments

Tears filled with love permeate my soul as Divine Appointments are presented to me.

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Our stories…

Our stories make up our reality only if we believe in them. Born and raised in northern California, Christina has made it her life work to be of service through accountability in her communities. Christina understands people, local businesses, and their needs. She connects all through humanistic marketing as she…

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