
There are three levels of desire. A person can want, need or choose to have or accomplish a goal. A want is a passive desire with a bit of indifference  to whatever the outcome will bring. A need has a dependence attached that doesn’t necessarily fulfill a person’s truest desire.…

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Your Should or Mine?

  Often, when people tell you what you should be doing, they have lost focus on what they could or would be doing for themselves. A should is a projection, a safety zone for people who are loosing control of their own situations. It’s easier to assess other’s problems  then to work on…

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Busyness as an avoidance

Busyness feeds our mind chatter stunting our spiritual growth. The busier we are, the more we feed our numbness to face our feelings. In the past, I have dealt with stress by drowning myself with work. This has never saved me from pain. The only way I have ever  been able…

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Everyone’s problem is more important than yours

A sudden intestity overcomes us when we think we have lost control of our circumstances. We impose on others to save us, not thinking that they might have a crisis of their own. Bombarding them with questions, forcing them to put their own task at hand on the sidelines. I…

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