6 Awful Things That Happen When We Think ‘Good’ People Can’t Be Rapists or Abusers

Originally published on Everyday Feminism Magazine on February 15, 2016 by Maisha Z. Johnson and re-published here with their permission. (Content warning: rape, sexual assault, victim blaming) Bill Cosby: Responsible for creating iconic television, or raping dozens of women? Sean Penn: Exceptional actor and philanthropist, or domestic abuser? The leaders…

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4 Ways to Overcome Self-Blame After Sexual Assault

Originally published on EveryDayFeminism.com on Sept 16, 2015 By Sian Ferguson and re-published here with their permission. Like most people who have been sexually assaulted, I have been blamed for my own rape. I’ve been blamed by society. I’ve been blamed by the administration of my previous university. I’ve been blamed by…

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