We are colorless in God’s eyes

The Show, What Would You Do, touches on some important issues that are still holding us back as a race, the all-encompassing human race. We are all better than any form of racism. We all live for the future, yet when it is convenient to digress on the past for ignorance…

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Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday

I just heard this song, Strange Fruit for the first time today. This song has a rich story behind it, written 1939 by Abe Meeropol. Billie Holiday was hesitant at first to sing the song for fear of retaliation. The depth in her eyes in this performance is mesmerizing as she…

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Jane Elliot’s lesson on Racism

I saw this video a while back and at first thought it was a bit abrasive. As days passed though, I remembered my experience in Southern Illinois when I was a child. I remembered how it felt being the shunned minority that was treated with no relevance at all.  I…

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My concept of racism

“My concept of racism was that it had ended years before and that in the 1980s it didn’t exist. Anger for the ignorance overwhelmed me.”

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