Divine Connections

Recently, I was a guest to a service group that does tremendous work in our community. A gentlemen, my friend and also one of my greatest cheerleaders for my life work had a couple suggestions for an upcoming project of mine. I took his advice, as I usually do and almost…

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Ben Simon, founder of Food Recovery Network

What an impressive imprint Ben is making in the world. Food Recovery Network is in 46 colleges to date and their mission is to be in 1,000 colleges by 2018! Ben Simon Founder Ben S. recently graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park. He brings six years of nonprofit…

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Descriptive Writing By Wendy VanHatten

Descriptions that show your reader instead of telling him are a good way to involve your reader. When I was editing travel articles, some of the least interesting articles used overworked adjectives that did nothing to show the reader what the writer was seeing. What do you see when you…

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Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday

I just heard this song, Strange Fruit for the first time today. This song has a rich story behind it, written 1939 by Abe Meeropol. Billie Holiday was hesitant at first to sing the song for fear of retaliation. The depth in her eyes in this performance is mesmerizing as she…

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