The everyday sexism project

Laura Bates was challenged to do her research on the equality of women and came up with some pretty disturbing statistics. She had been told in the past not to,”make a fuss” but with her current awareness of the global issue, there was no way for her to keep quiet any longer. It was time for her to make a fuss, and she made a big one! With simple intentions, Laura set up a website for women and men to voice their experiences with gender imbalances on a daily small or large scale basis. Her website, everyday sexism grew exponentially in the first eighteen months with 50,000 women, men, people of all ages and races, all from all over the world posting their daily oppressions. Thousands of stories are shared on her site of people being disrespected because of their gender, sexual preference or any preference for that matter. I applaud Laura Bates for creating a space to make a change in laws against sexual assault and violence encouraging others to provoke a social and cultural generational shift in attitudes towards respect for others and what they call , “Normal” in their experiences in life.

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