We are all here to accomplish agreements that we have made with the powers that be. Our imprint is comprised of this. A rather feisty girlfriend of mine met with me and shared her frustration in observing some of the women in her life that she cared about. She was angry at these women for allowing themselves to be treated poorly. She wanted to fight their battles for them and was discouraged that they were not finding a way to change their circumstances. I felt her anger as I have been one to stand up for my friends in the past also. Sitting with her though, we both recognized that we were powerless to our loved one’s stories seeing as it was just that… their stories. Their experience was and is for them. We are not here to save the people we care about from their own narration. While our intentions are of good will, we are here as helper spirits when ASKED otherwise there is much improvement on ourselves that will keep us busy for a lifetime.