The Four Queens

I was approached by Anna Eaton, Executive Director of Vacaville Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club to join herself and two other women, one of which I work very closely with, to bring  the movie documentary, Miss Representation to Solano County. I have known of Michele De George from our community and her outreach and Susan Schwartz streams my Little Wing Connections luncheon live every month.We have met a few times and have chosen the date and location for this amazing viewing. What I am enjoying watching with these women is the self empowerment that is evolving with the excitement of the fruition of this awesome event. We all bring our own expertise and compliment each other’s strengths. We are learning each other. Miss Representation is an empowering movie for women of all ages to seek their own power from within, clearing out the chaos that the media shows to us constantly in various avenues. Confusing us, causing us to question our highest visions for ourselves.

MR Poster Please save the date of April 5th, 2014 to be present with your mothers, daughters, sons, fathers and friends at the Suisun KROC Center from 10:00am to 2:00pm. The Admission is free and lunch will be provided.


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