Celebrate 2016 with Polaris

You know as well as I do that in the fight to end modern slavery, it’s easy to keep your head down and forget to celebrate victories. The scope of the crime, the hidden nature of its networks, and the levels of exploitation can at times feel overwhelming. But every…

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Originally published on Trigger Points Anthology on November 22, 2016 By Dawn Daum. I belong to a club. This club is called the trauma club. Trauma survivors share an unspeakable bond. In their face I recognize the familiar pain that can easily go unnoticed by non-survivors. We are relieved to…

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Are PTSD Survivors Weak? Here’s What My Mom Thinks

Are PTSD Survivors Weak? Here’s What My Mom Thinks PTSD is Not a Weakness. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is anything but a weakness. It is our strength. It means that we kept going. · Trauma is common. About six of every 10 US adults experience at least one trauma in…

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The Senate Just Passed the First Ever Sexual Assault Survivors’ Protections

Originally published on Elle on May 24, 2016 By MATTIE KAHN. Backed by overwhelming bipartisan support, the Sexual Assault Survivors’ Rights Act was passed in the Senate on Monday. The final vote came to a unanimous 89-0. The bill is the first federal law to outline what basic services victims…

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