to have me collapse with each blow

“She tried to make me stand upright for a fair fight, only to have me collapse with each blow.”

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My concept of racism

“My concept of racism was that it had ended years before and that in the 1980s it didn’t exist. Anger for the ignorance overwhelmed me.”

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Biggest statement

“That was the biggest statement I ever made to that pedophile. His jaunty step went absent, his face was taut, and his hands were whitish pink as he gripped the red handle of the shopping cart. Thrilled, I skipped with glee to my mom in the bread aisle.”

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Spark of Hope

“In the midst of my crumbling, unstable household I was introduced to my biological dad, which created a tiny spark of hope for normalcy. Exposing my abuse opened up a variety of wounds that were not healing right in the first place.”

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