Survivors’ Bill of Rights Act Introduced in the House!

Originally published on on June 24, 2016 By Amanda Nguyen Jun 24, 2016 — Today, over 20 bipartisan Members of Congress stood together and introduced the Survivors’ Bill of Rights Act of 2016 into the House of Representatives. Today is a step forward for millions of survivors like me…

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Why Fathers Need to Talk to Their Children About Consent

Originally published on on June 16, 2016 By Eric Glader. Last January, a young man named Brock Turner sexually assaulted an incapacitated woman behind a dumpster—less than a mile from the home I share with my wife, my 15-year-old son and my 13-year-old daughter. Most of us did not hear…

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Why the Media is Failing Our Daughters

Originally published on on June 17, 2016 By Pete Domick. Dear parents: We need to talk. We need to talk to our sons. We need to talk to our daughters. We need to talk about rape culture. As a radio host and comedian I know how little attention this issue…

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Progress Has Stalled, We Need Your Help!

Originally published on on June 18, 2016 By Maria Ruiz Dearest friends and supporters, In recent news we have learned that Aaron Persky has been removed from another sexual assault case by the DA for fears that he could not remain unbiased in his judgement. “After … the recent…

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