The Laws of Breaking Up and Getting Over it

Originally published on Elephant Journal on February 5, 2014 By Rebekah McClaskey. It is time to turn off the Adele, dump that boxed wine down the drain and take a deep breath. There is a chance that your break-up is the only break-up known to man to be easy, fun…

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The Mission for Life: Truce gave excellent opportunity

Originally published in Contra Punto on July 15, 2014 By Gerardo Arbaugh. Interview with the director of a foundation that works with gangs, supported by the truce SAN SALVADOR – With a smile that could not hide, William Mendoza has come for the third time in six months to the…

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A doctor takes accountability

Jim Withers, the street doctor since 1992, along with his friend Mike Sallows, take accountability for their community by helping hundreds of people who live on the streets giving them free medical help. Dr. Jim Withers has gone out five nights a week with his team in the streets of Pittsburgh for…

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Jackson Katz redirects questions on violence against women

Jackson Katz some important questions in regards to violence against women. Mr Katz points out at point 4:15 how society conspires with the use of language to keep attention off of men in abusive occurrences making it a woman’s problem in the direction of questions. He emphasizes the importance of…

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