My white picket fence

“My white picket fence would appear. Everything behind closed doors would be perfect.”

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My concept of racism

“My concept of racism was that it had ended years before and that in the 1980s it didn’t exist. Anger for the ignorance overwhelmed me.”

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We are all visiting this earth together

I found and shared this video tonight on Facebook, tears flowing down my cheeks as I watched it. There was a period of my life, when I didn’t know where I was going to sleep at night. Now in my life, When Chris or I can help someone who doesn’t…

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Hiding behind scripture to place judgement on others

I once had a discussion with someone who warned me that “his bible” did not agree with my beliefs and that I was living in sin. Interesting… I asked this person how they knew “their bible” was correct. Could it have been possible that my beliefs lacked the approval the…

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