The idea behind How Far will I Run

A few years ago, I went back to college to learn Spanish. One of my assignments was to write about my childhood in Spanish. This translation was not the easiest, so I asked my Senora for help after class one day. As I shared my childhood memories with her, she…

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There is no such thing as a “Self Made Man”

I am so grateful for my team that helped me with my book. If it weren’t for them, I don’t think How Far Will I Run would be out for the public eyes today. Wendy pushed me along with the chapters that were on the opportunistic side. When I tried…

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How Far Will I Run Cover

I love my cover! Michael Kendrick and I took three photo shoots to come up with it. The black and white pulls out the  contradiction the that I battled throughout my life. The dirtied feet announces my journey and endurance, with the light between them lighting my path with hope.…

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The title

I am a runner. I have run my whole life, physically and mentally. I have run farther than I would have ever imagined. I have accomplished goals that I had once thought was impossible. When I made the decision to write my book, my next decision was the title, then…

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