My friend Karen Winter

As an author, speaker and EFT practitioner, Karen’s intention is to help individuals heal from emotional pain and move into their highest vision of themselves. Karen, through EFT, is able to help people release negative emotional blocks, fears and phobias as well as physical pain. By removing these negative emotions…

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Keynote speaker and my own anxiety script

As some of you know I was the keynote speaker for Solano County Library Foundation’s Woman of the Year awards luncheon honoring National Woman’s History Month. Normally I am pretty comfortable speaking in front of large groups of people, when it comes to my personal story and my book, How…

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Erin’s Law at the Federal Level Petition

In my life journey with How Far Will I Run, I have come upon Erin Merryn and her amazing quest to pass Erin’s Law in all 5o states. Erin Merryn is a survivor of child sexual abuse, who has made it her mission to mandate all public schools to teach sexual…

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Show…Don’t Tell By Wendy VanHatten

If you show your reader what happens, you’re more likely to keep him interested in your writing. This goes for travel writing, books, novels, and more. Use action words and avoid passive verbs. Try this exercise: Instead of writing…She suddenly saw the snake out of the corner of her eye.…

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