Happy ReBirth-Day to Me.

Originally posted on dontrunbabygirl.com on October 18, 2013 She said if I was meant to die he would’ve killed me There must be a reason that I still breathe I don’t have the tools to rebuild me But I still believe that one day I could feel free And my body…

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the white in the rainy darkness

“…the white in the rainy darkness finally jolts me into the severity of what is rapidly unfolding in front of me.”

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We are all visiting this earth together

I found and shared this video tonight on Facebook, tears flowing down my cheeks as I watched it. There was a period of my life, when I didn’t know where I was going to sleep at night. Now in my life, When Chris or I can help someone who doesn’t…

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The Living of Kendall Walker

Last Night I congregated with a loving group of souls sending our precious Kendall Walker off to be amongst the angels in heaven and sit at God’s table. The prayers that were read were heartfelt. The songs sung warmed my heart. The family’s choice of scripture was inspirational. Kendall, you…

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