Victim Impact Statement From the Sean Salaber Rape Case #solidarity4survivors

Originally published on Change.Org on October 21, 2016 By Maria Ruiz.

Dearest Friends And Supporters,

I would like to take a moment to share with you the impact statement from Lauren Doe. Lauren is a victim of sexual assault who lost her case. According to a source close to this case, the jury stated that they found Sean Salaber innocent of the sexual assault charges because they didn’t want to “ruin” his life. To read her impact statement please click the link with the photo below.

This is why we must fight to put an end to rape culture. A culture that hears of a man tackling a woman to the ground, brandishing a fake weapon and sexually groping her and immediately feels bad for “ruining’ his life is the most dangerous occurrence I can think of. Every rapist bears the personal responsibility for ruining their own lives with their violent choices. Sentiments like not wanting to ruin someones life are dangerous to the pursuit of justice and are unacceptable, and also comparable to Persky’s lenient sentence in the Brock Turner Case. Rape culture biases the system towards rapists and it must be stopped.

Here is some information on how to get involved in fighting rape culture right now:

Thank you so much for your support,
Maria Ruiz
Twitter: @MariaLaMetida
Email: MarialamView

Victim Impact Statement from Sean Salaber Rape Case



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