Originally published on change.org on June 28, 2016 By Amanda Nguyen
The House bill introduction has built
I am so grateful for your support! Let’s make history!
Speaker Paul Ryan | Call: (202) 225-3031
Email: http://www.speaker.gov/contact
Jim Sensenbrenner (WI) | Call: (262) 784-1111
Email: http://sensenbrenner.house.gov/contact/email.htm
Darrell Issa (CA) | Call: (202)-225-3906
Email: http://issa.house.gov/contact/contact-me/
Jim Jordan (OH) | Call: (202) 225-2676
Email: https://jordan.house.gov/contact/contactform.htm
Jason Chaffetz (UT) | Call: (202) 225-7751
Email: https://chaffetz.house.gov/forms/writeyourrep/?zip5=84020&zip4=
Doug Collins (GA) | Call: (202) 225-9893
Email https://dougcollins.house.gov/email-me/
Dave Trott (MI) | Call: (202) 225-8171
Email: https://trott.house.gov/htbin/formproc_za/zip-auth.txt%26form%3D/contact/email/email-zip-authenticated%26nobase%26fpGetVer%3D2
Steve Cohen (TN) | Call: (202) 225-3265
Email: https://cohen.house.gov/htbin/formproc_za/zip-auth.txt%26form%3D/contact/email/email-zip-authenticated%26nobase%26fpGetVer%3D2
Karen Bass Phone (LA) | Call: (202) 225-7084
Email: https://bass.house.gov/contact
Sample language for email and phone call:
I am calling to voice my support for H.R. 5578, the Survivor’s’ Bill of Rights Act of 2016, that Representatives Mimi Walters and Zoe Lofgren introduced last week. I urge you to pass this bill.
Under current law, basic rights that protect survivors of sexual assault and help them fully access justice vary greatly from state to state, resulting in an uneven patchwork of laws. The Center for Disease Control reports that a staggering 25 million Americans are rape survivors – a population nearly equal to the state of Texas. Brave survivors and hard working law enforcement officers deserve commonsense legal protections and clear procedures that ensure access to justice. Americans urgently need a comprehensive Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights o ensure that access to justice does not depend on geography.
*Insert in Your Own Story*