The I Have a Name Project will once again provide T-shirts during this “Season of Thanksgiving”

The I Have a Name Project will once again provide T-shirts during this Season of Thanksgiving

During this “Season of Thanksgiving” The I Have a Name Project will once again provide T-shirts with a cause. This year’s message will read, “Let’s Be Better Humans”. Proceeds from sales will provide a Christmas meal for homeless Veterans at the MANA House in Phoenix. TumbleTees, an organization that employs formerly homeless teens, will do our printing.

Dinner with the Vets has been scheduled for December 6th and the folks at TumbleTees will have the shirts ready ship December 12th.

To get your shirt visit and donate $33.00 through the home page. In the donation The I Have a Name Project will once again provide T-shirts during this Season of Thanksgiving1 message please indicate your size and ship address. ( XS-2XL. Price includes shipping. If outside the U.S. please add an addtl $10.00 for post.)

We will email a confirmation.

A Special THANK YOU to: Faith Pickell, Ricci Krassa and Johanna Hersh for your recent support.
The I Have a Name Project

Our sock partner, Bombas has also generously offered to supply each of the Veterans with a new pair of socks. Life on the street is hard, particularly on the feet.

Constant walking and standing can create many painful foot conditions. Beyond aching heels, the homeless often suffer frostbite, trench foot and painful blisters. Open sores that won’t heal from having spent days on end in soggy, cold shoes and socks can be dangerous and even life-threatening.

Socks are the number one request at homeless shelters but the least donated item. The I Have a Name Project is proud to have Bombasas a partner in giving. This amazing a company has donated almost 600,000 pair of socks to the needy. One pair purchased = One pair donated.

The I Have a Name Project will once again provide T-shirts during this Season of Thanksgiving2


In Bombas support, we will once again provide the homeless Veterans at MANA House in Phoenix with socks this Christmas. We thank the folks at Bombas and urge you to visit

Thank you Bombas.



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