We are all visiting this earth together

I found and shared this video tonight on Facebook, tears flowing down my cheeks as I watched it. There was a period of my life, when I didn’t know where I was going to sleep at night. Now in my life, When Chris or I can help someone who doesn’t…

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My Imprint

What is my imprint? When I leave this earth will I be known for my determination? My temper? My lack of patience? My tendency to be a pain in the ass? All my flaws? Or will I be remembered for my growth? My days of service? My motherhood to Christopher?…

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Unconditional Love

Is there really a such thing as unconditional love? We love someone because we want them to love us back. That creates a condition. If we can love without any condition of reciprocity than that would evoke unconditional love. Unconditional love is shameless and humble, opening up a vulnerability that…

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Today is the day

Today I share my story with the world. I am walking into this day with humility. I accept the criticisms and wisdom that will be shared. I invite the blessing and honesties. I allow my openness and grace. I encourage unconditional love and forgiveness. I welcome my friends and loved ones…

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