Jessica Ladd: The reporting system that sexual assault survivors want presentation on TED

Originally published on TED in February, 2016. We don’t have to live in a world where 99 percent of rapists get away with it, says TED Fellow Jessica Ladd. With Callisto, a new platform for college students to confidentially report sexual assault, Ladd is helping survivors get the support and…

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Therapy Reflections

Through therapy, I know that the teenage girl in this photo is me, even though I do not recognize myself and remember my graduation day. Sexual abuse is a kleptomaniac. It has stolen countless of childhood and adolescent memories and the ones that have remained, are mostly unpleasant. If you…

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DID YOU KNOW? Understanding Bystander Intervention

Would you know what to do if you witnessed an inappropriate comment or behavior from an adult or older youth toward a child? It’s important to know how to enforce boundaries and protect the children in your life. As a bystander who observes boundary violations, you should begin by describing…

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