School was my sanctuary

“I went to bed, hoping our worries would go away with the night and the new light of the morning would bring my mom out of her slump and the stress out of her heart. School was my sanctuary. There was plenty of food at lunch, caring adults that had…

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Edie Thomas’ Forward

“We are all exactly the same, and yet totally different!! I am from an ultra-conservative family of nine children where I grew up lost in the shuffle and was thankful for the free lunch program at school as a child. I learned at an early age that I’d have to…

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There is no such thing as a “Self Made Man”

I am so grateful for my team that helped me with my book. If it weren’t for them, I don’t think How Far Will I Run would be out for the public eyes today. Wendy pushed me along with the chapters that were on the opportunistic side. When I tried…

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We are all visiting this earth together

I found and shared this video tonight on Facebook, tears flowing down my cheeks as I watched it. There was a period of my life, when I didn’t know where I was going to sleep at night. Now in my life, When Chris or I can help someone who doesn’t…

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