We all live behind white picket fences, right? Or at least we think everyone else does. We all believe that everyone else lives a sheltered life and that ours is the only one screwed up, right? A few years ago, I went back to college to learn Spanish. One of…
“Experiencing the freedom of my own expanded realizations that my previous runs were not only attainable, but easily accomplished with every new mile reached another one appeared ready to be conquered. I quickly became engaged in seeing how far I could go, how far I could push myself. The more…
I observed two younger girls discussing their ambitions; I was saddened to hear them not expect greatness from themselves, focusing only on the bare necessities to raise their children. This is when I decided to write my book, How Far Will I Run. I felt the need share my story…
One of my colleagues finished my book the other day. When she saw me today, she asked me to expand on some of my personal stories that I shared in the book. I thought of how privileged my local readers are to be able to ask me these questions when…