That following Monday I went back to climbing into windows at night

“That following Monday I went back to climbing into windows at night, crawling into beds for warmth, and burying my head deep into the blankets and bodies of my friends. I begged God to take away the throbbing surges of fire that captured my medulla oblongata” Born and raised in…

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to have me collapse with each blow

“She tried to make me stand upright for a fair fight, only to have me collapse with each blow.”

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a solid steel click to my door

“When I got into my bed I heard a solid steel click to my door. Out of my nervousness, I got out of bed and checked my door. A counselor was checking all the doors in the hall by rattling the doors which scared me back into my bed before any…

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CPS tries to keep them together

“Then CPS tries to keep them together, and they usually stay here longer and eventually get fostered out,” the girl sitting next to me said.”

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