The little girl down the hall

Jamie De Wolf’s story of a little girl who lived down the hall from him and his own family wrenches and tugs at your heart as he pounds down the words of a society who closes the door on what it believes to be “not their business” until one fateful day when it is far too late. It is easy to share Mr. De Wolf’s desperation in the chaos of feeling helpless and frustrated when it comes to our community’s children. We KNOW it takes a village to raise our children and we KNOW basic moral values, yet we at times, feel the constrains of a society that sets black and white boundaries and leaves it to us to caution on the grey areas, second guessing ourselves with pre-determined boundaries that we THINK are outlined. I applaud Mr. De Wolf’s performance and will accept his request in his final words to remember that little girls name, Xiana Fairchild.

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